Will County SUI News Feed

Will County and City of Joliet Begin Discussions on a Consolidated Government Campus

Matthew Libs 0 999

Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant and City of Joliet Mayor Terry D’Arcy have partnered together to explore the creation a consolidated government campus for both county and city services. The unified city-county office campus would be located on the site of the vacated Old Courthouse, which is slated for demolition in Fall of 2023.

Will County Executive Spotlights Efficiencies at Records Management Department

Matthew Libs 0 807

Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant is spotlighting the accomplishments of the Will County Records Management Department, which underwent several turnaround efforts over the last two years under the leadership of Director Jennifer A. Scharf. Scharf will be retiring on Friday, June 23, 2023 after a 18-year career with County government. 

Will County to Host Low-Cost Pet Vaccine Clinic

Matthew Libs 0 2611

Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant invites Will County pet-owners to attend a low-cost pet vaccine clinic being hosted by Will County Animal Control and the Joliet-based non-profit SNIP Society. The clinic will be held on Saturday, June 17, 2023 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m at the Will County Animal Control offices located at 22452 Cherry Hill Road, Joliet, IL 60433.

Will County Executive to Host Fresh Produce Pop-Up Event on June 8 in Joliet

Matthew Libs 0 608

A “Fresh Produce Pop-Up Event” will be hosted in Joliet from 1-3 p.m. on Thursday, June 8 at Community Lifeline Ministries, 158 S. Joliet St., Joliet, IL 60436. Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant is partnering with the Community Nutrition Network and Senior Services Association, Meals on Wheels Foundation of Northern Illinois, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, and Community Lifeline Ministries to host the event. 

Federal Funding Received for Increased Forest Preserve District Trail Access

Matthew Libs 0 782

Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant joined officials from the Forest Preserve District of Will County to accept a check for $1.1 million in federal funding from U.S. Rep. Bill Foster to create expanded pedestrian and bicyclist access in Joliet Township. The new trail will create a connection between Route 53 in the Preston Heights neighborhood to the Wauponsee Glacial Trail, the District’s longest path.

Free Food Giveaway Event in Downtown Joliet on May 27

ShareFest Will County and Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant Team Up to Support Local Families

Matthew Libs 0 925

Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino Tarrant and ShareFest Will County will be hosting a free food giveaway event on Saturday, May 27, 2023, at the Will County Office Building located at 302 N. Chicago Street, Joliet, IL 60432. The event will commence at 9 a.m. until noon, or while supplies last.
