Will County SUI News Feed

HHS sponsors development of intranasal form of long-acting opioid overdose drug

Anonym 0 2666
To help save lives in the current opioid epidemic or following a deliberate attack, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will work with Opiant Pharmaceuticals of Santa Monica, California, to develop a fast-acting, long-lasting intranasal, potentially improved form of an opioid overdose drug.

Dr. Kathleen Burke to offer Narcan training at National Recovery Month Community Awareness Day

Anonym 0 5839
Join Dr. Kathleen Burke from Will County as she offers Narcan training at the National Recovery Month Community Awareness Day from 4:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 27 at Symetria Recovery Joilet, 229 N. Hammes. The Will County Sheriff's Hidden in Plain Sight trailer will also be part of the activities.

Joliet resident uses Narcan to save an overdose victim

Anonym 0 6555
Last Sunday, a Joliet resident, who recently participated in naloxone training offered by Will County, used these newly acquired skills to save a life.
“I was in a park in south Joliet when I noticed a parked car and a man lying on the ground next to it,” Jerry Reeves said. “There was also a woman standing there so I went over to offer help. The woman told me the man was drunk but I recognized the symptoms of an overdose.”

Justice Department announces release of new fentanyl safety video for first responders

Anonym 0 3129
The Office of Justice Programs’ Bureau of Justice Assistance today released the Fentanyl Safety Recommendations for First Responders’ companion training video Fentanyl: The Real Deal. The video was produced by U.S. Customs and Border Protection to help first responders protect themselves when the presence of fentanyl is suspected or encountered on the job.