Will County SUI News Feed

Will County Land Use Department to host Energy Summit for Local Schools

Anonym 0 13693

The Will County Land Use Department, will be hosting an Energy Summit for schools personnel in Will County from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 20 at William E. Young School in Homer Glen. The event is specifically designed for teachers, maintenance staff, administrators and school board members. Local experts will be sharing tips and information about energy efficiency.


CDBG Demolition Bids

Four (4) Bids

Nina Campbell 0 8584

Historic Preservation Commission January Meeting Cancellation Notice

Nina Campbell 0 10786


Please take notice that the regular monthly meeting of the Will County Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) scheduled for Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. has been cancelled due to inclement weather. The meeting was to be held at the Forest Preserve District of Will County Office located at 17540 W. Laraway Rd., Joliet, IL. The next HPC meeting will be held on Wednesday, february 4, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Forest Preserve District Office on Laraway. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS, PLEASE CALL JANINE WILKOSZ AT THE WILL COUNTY LAND USE DEPARTMENT, 815-774-7902.

Substantial Amendment to PY2010-2014 Consolidated Plan, FY2013 Action Plan

Nina Campbell 0 8032

In accordance with the federal regulations at 24CFR, Part 91, the County of Will has prepared a draft Substantial Amendment to the Consolidated Plan and Program Year 2013 Action Plan.  The County hereby announces a 30-day display and public comment period to review the draft Substantial Amendment for the Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Grant Program.