Sunny Hill Boasts Newly Renovated Courtyard
“The renovation of this courtyard is the final phase of creating three beautiful, peaceful, safe and accessible outdoor
areas for Sunny Hill residents to enjoy and continue their love of nature and gardening.” In a ceremony that included residents, veterans, staff and local leaders, Sunny Hill Nursing Home of Will County, 421 Doris Ave., dedicated the outdoor space on Friday, June 13. Will County Executive Larry Walsh noted as he addressed those gathered, “What a great day the Lord has given us.” Walsh talked about the Mother’s Day weekend event held at the county-owned facility, at which there was music and dancing. He complimented the staff, volunteers like the American Legion Post 1080 Color Guard, and “the people who helped raise the money” to pay for the courtyard work. “…Sunny Hill is the finest nursing home in the state of Illinois.” Illinois Sen. Pat McGuire pointed out that the ceremony “really reflected the spirit of Sunny Hill,” with residents participating. Residents Rita Orzechowski and Florence Pazulinec led the crowd gathered in singing The Star Spangled Banner and It’s a Grand Old Flag. Rose Cessario and Marilyn McManimen gave patriotic readings, including one written by the Sunny Hill poetry club. Sunny Hill’s 17 veteran residents were recognized. The $102,000 project was paid for by The Friends of Sunny Hill, Inc., a volunteer organization dedicated to providing a higher quality of life for residents.
“We are grateful to the Friends of Sunny Hill and our community donors for their support and commitment to the residents of Sunny Hill and Will County,” said Sorbero.