Contact Information

Subdivision Engineering
58 E.Clinton Street, Suite 100
Joliet, IL 60432
Ph: 815.740.8140
Fax: 815.727.8638
E-mail: luengineering@willcountyillinois.com

Subdivision Engineering

The Subdivision Engineering section is responsible for the Subdivision and Platting Process, which includes Preliminary Plats, Improvement Plans, Final Plat, Subdivision Guarantee (Letter of Credit), and Construction Observation.

This group also reviews all projects and developments through the use of Site Development Permits and Site Plans, checking for compliance with federal, state, and locally accepted grading, drainage, soil erosion, floodplain, wetland, and building and construction standards.

The Subdivision Engineering acts in a liaison capacity between the County's affairs and various committees and agencies such as the County Board, Stormwater Committee, Local Highway Commissioners, utility companies, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, and the Army Corps of Engineers.

The Subdivision Engineering Section administers the following Will County ordinances:

Will County Subdivision Ordinance
Will County Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan 
Water Resource Ordinance for Unincorporated Will County