Address and / or Name Correction

  • To change only the address, please complete and submit the below form.
    • In order to request a change of address, you must be the owner of the property to sign this form
    • If the form is being signed by someone other than the owner of the property, the submission must include documentation of authorization to act on behalf of the owner.
    • If signing for a business, the submission must include documentation stating the signer’s title of position within the company.
  • To change only the name or both the name and address, you must attach one of the following documents:
    • Copy of recorded deed or the recorded document
    • Copy of a will, marriage license, divorce decree, etc.
    • Letter from a bank trust.  If your property is in trust and you would like your tax bill mailed directly to you, the bank must send a letter on its stationery stating the trust number(s), PIN(s), and address to which the tax statement should be sent

If you are unable to submit your form and attachments through our website, you may print the form and submit in one of the following manners:

Download Address and Name Correction Form


  • Mail, placed in our drop box or in person to our office at 302 N. Chicago Street, Joliet, IL 60432.
  • Fax to 815-740-4695
  • Email to treasadco@willcounty.gov

Please call 815-740-4675 if you have questions or concerns.

By checking the box below your printed signature, you agree your printed signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature.

Address Name & Correction Online Form