Purpose: The Will County Stormwater Management Planning Committee aims to consolidate and coordinate existing stormwater management programs and activities into an effective unified countywide structure; prevent increases in stormwater-related problems associated with development, re-development and other watershed activities; remediate existing problems related to improper management of stormwater runoff and encroachment into flood prone areas; and ensure maintenance, management, and sustainable operation of natural and manmade stormwater drainage and storage features
Authority: 55 ILCS 5/5-1062.2 and CB Resolution 13-263
Contact: Dawn Tomczak
Phone #: (815) 740-3361
Fax #: 815-727-8638
Email: dtomczak@willcountylanduse.com
Composition: Will County Stormwater Management Committee By-Laws Article III: The committee shall consist of twenty-six (26) voting members. (A) County Members: Thirteen(13) members shall be appointed by the County Executive from the appropriate County board districts. (B) Municipal Members: Thirteen(13) members shall be representatives of Will County municipalities, one from each County Board district. They shall be appointed by a majority vote of the mayors of those municipalities which have the greatest percentage of their respective populations residing in each of the said thirteen County Board districts. (C) Alternates: One alternate member per County Board district may be designated by each appointing authority as defined in Article III Section 1. (D) Advisory Members: Advisory members may be appointed through a subsequent resolution by the majority vote of the twenty-six (26) Committee members. The Advisory members shall be non-voting members and their advisory roles and capacity shall be established by the Committee at the time of appointment.
Meeting Date/Time: 1st Tuesday of every month at 10:00am Location: Will County Office Building (County Board Room) 302 N. Chicago St. in Joliet
Compensation: none
Web Page: CountyOffices > EconomicDevelopment > StormwaterManagementPlanningCommittee
Notes: To view members by District, please click the above link.