Any person who discovers the body or acquires the first knowledge of the death of any person who died as a result of criminal or other violent means, or by casualty, or by suicide, or suddenly when in apparent health, or in any suspicious or unusual manner, shall immediately notify the office of the coroner of the known facts concerning the time, place, manner and circumstances of such death, and of any other information which is required by the coroner.
In such cases, if the request for cremation is made, the funeral director called in attendance, shall notify the coroner immediately. No person shall willfully refuse to report such a death, or shall without an order from the coroner , willfully touch, remove, disturb the body of any person, or disturb the clothing or any article upon or near such body.
When any person dies as a result of criminal or other violent means, or by casualty , or by suicide, or suddenly when in apparent health, or in any suspicious or unusual manner, the physician called in attendance shall immediately notify the office of the coroner of the known facts concerning the time, place, manner and circumstances of such death, and any other information required by the coroner. In such cases, if a request is made for cremation, the funeral director called in attendance shall immediately notify the coroner.
- ACCIDENTAL DEATHS. All forms including death arising from employment.
- Anesthetic Accident (death on the operating table or prior to recovery from anesthesia).
- Blows or other forms of mechanical violence.
- Burns.
- Crushed beneath falling objects.
- Cutting or stabbing.
- Drowning (actual or suspected).
- Electric shock.
- Explosion.
- Exposure.
- Firearms.
- Fractures of bones (not pathological). Such cases to be reported even when fracture is not primarily responsible for death.
- Falls.
- Carbon monoxide poisoning (resulting from natural gas, automobile exhasust or other).
- Hanging.
- Heat exhaustion.
- Insolation (sunstroke).
- Poisoning (food poisoning, occupational or other).
- Strangulation.
- Suffocation (foreign object in bronchi, by bed clothing or other means).
- Vehicular accidents (automobile, street-car, bus, railroad, motorcycle, bicycle or other).
- ABORTIONS - Criminal or self-induced. When the manner of death falls within the above classification, such a death must be reported to the coroner even though the survival period subsequent to onset is 12 months.
- SUDDEN DEATHS. When in apparent health or in any suspicious or unusual manner including:
- Alcoholism.
- Sudden death on the street,at home,in a public place,at place of employment.
- Deaths under unknown circumstances, whenever there are no witnesses or where little or no information can be elicited concerning the deceased person. Death of this type include those persons whose dead bodies are found in the open, in places of temporary shelter, on their homes under conditions which offer no clues as to the cause of death.
- Deaths which follow injuries sustained at place of employment whene4ver the circumstances surrounding such injury may ultimately be the subject of investigation.
Deaths of this classification include:
- Caisson disease (bends).
- Industrial poisonings (acids, alkalies, aniline, benzine, carbon monoxide, carbon tetrachloride, cyanogen, lead, nitrous fumes, etc.).
- Silicosis.
- Industrial infections (anthrax, septicemia following wounds including gas bacillus infections, tetanus, etc.).
- All infant and stillborn deaths regardless of circumstances surrounding the death.
- Deaths of persons where the attending physician cannot be found, or deaths of persons who have not been atteded by a physician within 72 hours prior to the date of death.
- All deaths occuring within 24 hours of admission to a hospital and/or withing 24 hours of an invasive procedure.
The coroner must be notified of all hip fractures if patient dies within one (1) year and one (1) month.
- Deaths in State Institutions & Wards of State
- All deaths in State institutions and all de4aths of wards of the State in 0private care facilities or in programs funded by the Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, the Illinois Department of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, the Department of Chidren and Family Services or the Office of the State Guardian.
- When a death has occurred while being pursued, apprehended or taken into custody by or while in the custody of any law enforcement agency.