Press Releases

Will County to Receive Federal Funding for Health and Safety Projects

$975,000 included in FY22 Omnibus Appropriations Bill for three Will County projects

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Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant announced today that three Community Project Funding (CPF) requests made by the county were included in the federal FY22 Omnibus Appropriations Bill. The $975,000 in federal funding will support critical local needs, including upgrades to the East Joliet Sanitary District, investment in a behavioral health workforce initiative, and supporting the county’s Opioid Overdose Intervention Program. The spending package was signed into law today by President Joe Biden.

Will County Executive Bertino-Tarrant encourages residents to seek help for mental health challenges during COVID-19 pandemic

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The impact of the pandemic on social determinants of health, such as employment, income levels, and housing and food security has led to a growing concern regarding the long-term impact on mental health. These factors are also leading to new barriers for people already suffering from mental illness and substance use disorders. During the pandemic, four in 10 adults in the U.S. reported symptoms of anxiety or depression.