Event will help residents apply for state assistance to pay for water bills
Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant is partnering with the Will County Center for Community Concerns (WCCCC) and State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-40) to host an event aimed at assisting residents apply for water bill payment relief. The event will be held Saturday, March 12, from 9:00 a.m. until noon, University Park Village Hall, 90 Towncenter Drive, University Park.
Recognition received at Annual Awards & Celebration of Success
The Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry has recognized both the Will County Workforce Services Division and the Workforce Investment Board as the Top Social Service Agencies of 2022. The award was announced at their February 22nd Annual Awards and Celebration of Success.
Project Acclaim, a Joliet-based civic pride organization, has inducted the Will County Executive’s Office and the Health Department, along with Joliet Fire Department, Amita St. Joseph Medical Center, and Joliet Township High School into its 2021 Hall of Pride for the coordinated effort to establish the Joliet West High School Vaccination Clinic. Representatives from Project Acclaim presented the award to County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant and Health Department Executive Director Sue Olenek at the January meeting of the Will County Board.
IDOT to Host Virtual Workshops to Promote Minority Business Participation in State Contracts
Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant is encouraging local businesses to participate in several free, virtual workshops to be hosted in January by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Three Will County employees, with a combined 79 years of service, were honored with proclamations for their retirements during the regularly scheduled County Board meeting on Thursday, June 17.
For residents who have lost employment due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many job search services available in the Resource Room of the Workforce Center of Will County, located at 2400 Glenwood Avenue in Joliet.
“The Resource Room is an excellent place for our residents to find assistance in their job searches,” said Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant. “Many Will County employers use the Workforce Center to find qualified employees.”
Program to prioritize businesses in areas impacted most by COVID-19
Building on the success of its recently completed small business grant program, Will County has taken steps to begin creating another program designed to provide financial assistance for small businesses.
The Will County Board approved the move during a special meeting on Friday, Feb. 26.