Will County employee to present at “Go Solar” event
JOLIET – Christina Snitko, Energy and Conservation Specialist for the Will County Land Use Department, will be one of two experts on solar power to participate in a “Go Solar” event at noon Friday, April 23.
Snitko will be presenting with Cate York, Sustainable Communities Liaison with the Citizens Utility Board, at the South Metropolitan Higher Education Consortium and Prairie State College event.
The pair will discuss how area residents are traversing solar options to determine what will work best for them. The session will explore residential rooftop solar and community solar, followed by a question-and-answer period.
The event is open to anyone interested in solar energy. To register for the free webinar, go to http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07ehluoq6mkl88cmri/a01ehkmnqdm56/questions .