Will County trains bilingual translators
Will County recently hosted “interpreter training” for some of its bilingual employees. The five-week training was conducted by Dr. Hector Lopez, President of Best Solutions, Inc. of Downers Grove, IL.
“With the diversity in the population of Will County, we are proud to have these bilingual employees trained to handle any need for interpretation,” said County Executive Larry Walsh.
The training was coordinated by Rosie Avila from the county’s Human Resource Department. Other volunteers included Rocio Alvarado, Marisol Herrera-Baker, Jorge Fernandez and Vanessa Denize. The participants are part of the Will County Bilingual Translator Directory.
“These interpreters are available to help any of our Spanish-speaking residents,” Avila said. “The county holds this training every few years to ensure we are adequately staffed with interpreters.”
Will County employees who completed the Interpreter Training include Rosie Avila, Elisa Medina and Maria Mendoza from the County Executive’s office, Marjorie Berducido, Martha Charry, Ana Velasco, Lizeth Kalec, Lidia Seay, Rosalba Gomez, and Martha Martinez from the County Health Department, and Harold Cobo, Emily Perez, and Soni B. Droz from the Sheriff’s Department.