Anonym / Wednesday, May 22, 2019 / Categories: News, Press Releases, Home Page, Substance Use Will County MAPP Local Public Health System Assessment The Will County Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) Collaborative conducts routine health assessments of the Will County community to identify priority health issues and strategies to address these health issues. The Collaborative uses the MAPP process to conduct community assessments every 3 years, and is currently in the community assessment phase. There are four assessments that are included in the MAPP process. Today, we are asking for your help to assess the Local Public Health System within our community. The Local Public Health System Assessment examines how well our local public health system is meeting the needs of the community. The Will County MAPP Collaborative has created a survey, and has identified you as a key stakeholder in the MAPP assessment process. Your experience within this community will provide the detailed information the Collaborative needs. Please note: This survey will require approximately 10 to 15 minutes of your time. We thank you in advance for making time to complete this assessment electronically in lieu of an in-person meeting. We value your time and input! Thank you to those who have already participated! If you haven't yet, please click on the following link to complete this survey: Please complete this survey by May 29, 2019. Thank you for your participation! Sincerely, Will County MAPP Collaborative Assessment Committee Previous Article Governor Pritzker to speak at 2019 Hero Helps Community Summit on May 3 Next Article Death Linked to Vaping Print 8934 Documents to download mapp assessment(.jpg, 60.5 KB) - 321 download(s)