Will County EMA Director Appointed to Lead State Advisory Committee
Allison Anderson, Will County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) Director, has been appointed Co-Chair of the State of Illinois Homeland Security Advisory Council’s Emergency Management Committee. In her role, she will be collaborating with experts to shape emergency preparedness strategies at the state and local level.
“I am excited to take on this challenge and work with leaders across Illinois to ensure our communities are prepared for anything,” said Director Anderson. “I look forward to continuing to contribute to these statewide discussions about improving our emergency management efforts, as well as learning about new strategies to apply here in Will County.”
The Illinois Homeland Security serves as an advisory body to the Governor, the Governor’s Homeland Security Advisor, and the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security. The Emergency Management Committee is one of nine committees that provide recommendations and guidance on homeland security laws, protocol, and procedures. Director Allison Anderson will be taking over responsibilities from previous Co-Chair Dan Nelson, who serves as the Emergency Management Coordinator for the Village of Naperville.
“Congratulations to Allison on her appointment to this important role,” said Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant. “Will County is a leader in emergency preparedness and our EMA is constantly implementing innovative practices to keep our communities safe. I am pleased that Allison has the opportunity to lead these efforts on a statewide level.”
The Illinois Homeland Security Advisory Council was created on April 18, 2023, replacing the long-standing Illinois Terrorism Task Force. It is comprised of over 150 individual members from 70 public and private organizations. Each member organization is assigned to one of the nine committees to research recommended policies. Director Anderson will be taking over responsibilities from previous Co-Chair Dan Nelson, who serves as the Emergency Management Coordinator for the Village of Naperville.
“I want to thank Dan Nelson for his years of support as the EM Committee Co-Chair. He will remain on the HSAC and the EM Committee,” said Homeland Security Advisory Council Chair Jim Page. “Allison Anderson will take his place, and I have confidence that she will do a great job for the HSAC and Emergency Management.”