Anonym / Tuesday, November 9, 2021 / Categories: News, Press Releases, Home Page Will County Executive Reminds Residents of Resources Available for Rental, Mortgage, and Utility Assistance Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant is reminding residents in need of rental, mortgage, or utility payments that financial assistance is still available for those impacted by economic hardships related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This follows an announcement by the Illinois Housing Development Authority of a second application period for Illinois Rental Payment Program (ILRPP) funds opening on December 6th.“The eviction moratorium has ended, and we know there are families still struggling from the effects of the pandemic,” said Bertino-Tarrant. “We have funding immediately available for those who reach out to our partner agencies. Our primary goal is to help families stay in their homes.”The funding, available through Will County COMEBACK grants, is eligible for residents who may have missed the previous application period for ILRPP support. This financial assistance can be used for rent, mortgage, and utility payments. Residents already approved for assistance by the Illinois Rental Payment Program (ILRPP) may not be eligible for additional assistance.Will County has partnered with four local community agencies to manage applications for the COMEBACK Grants. Each agency has received $250,000 of housing stabilization funds.Information about these programs can be found by visiting Residents interested in housing stabilization grants can apply by contacting one of the local community partner agencies, who will work with them to determine eligibility and help apply for assistance:• Community Services Council, in Joliet or Bolingbrook: or (815) 886-5000.• Spanish Community Center in Joliet: or (815) 727-3683• Will County Center for Community Concerns in Joliet: or (815) 722-0722.Catholic Charities, Diocese of (815) 774-4663Further aiming to reduce evictions in Illinois, Will County is participating in a Court-Based Rental Assistance Program administered by IDHS to assist tenants, including housing choice voucher holders, with active cases in eviction court. Tenants may apply for up to 12 months of past due rent and up to three months of future rent payments using their eviction court case number at“We want to do all we can to help people get back on their feet, get back to work, and regain their lives,” said Bertino-Tarrant. “You cannot do this without a safe place to live. This program will ensure our residents have the help they need to stay in their homes.For more information about this rental assistance, visit the website: Previous Article Will County Health Department offers safety tips to ensure healthy and happy holiday gatherings Next Article County Leaders Spotlight Key Priorities in 2022 Annual Budget Print 5318 Tags: covid-19Jennifer Bertino Tarrantrental assistancecatholic charitiescommunity service councilspanish community centerIllinois Housing Development Authority Documents to download Will County Executive Reminds Residents of Resources Available for Rental Mortgage and Utility Assistance(.pdf, 311.16 KB) - 223 download(s) More links Will County website