Lead Agency Selected for Will County Continuum of Care Network
United Way of Will County will lead efforts to prevent and end homelessness in Will, Kendall, and Grundy Counties
WILL COUNTY - The United Way of Will County has been selected to serve as the new Lead Agency for the Will County Continuum of Care (CoC) network, a collaborative partnership of local organizations dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness in Will, Kendall, and Grundy Counties. The selection was made by the CoC’s Governance & Oversight Council and the transition will be complete June 1.
“The United Way of Will County’s background in grant-making, fostering partnerships and developing solutions to the challenges facing our community make them an excellent choice to serve as Lead Agency,” said Martha Sojka, CoC Governance & Oversight Council member and Will County Community Development Administrator.
The Continuum of Care is tasked with tracking and managing all responsibilities of the network. Will County Center for Community Concerns (WCCCC) has been serving in this Lead Agency role for 22 years.
"I am proud to carry on the CoC's mission in Will, Grundy, and Kendall counties under the guidance and leadership of our United Way of Will County," said Kamala L. Martinez, President & CEO of the United Way of Will County.
As the Lead Agency, the United Way has identified goals aimed at growing the network, including increasing cross sector partnerships and support of the CoC mission; growing CoC membership and participation through the greater network of United Way community partners; and aligning real-time community needs from 2-1-1 data to prioritize and set CoC strategic focus and priorities.
“The Will County Community Development Division is grateful for the partners we have here,” said County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant. “Providing assistance to our residents remains a priority.”
Learn more about the CoC network at: https://sites.google.com/a/wcccc.net/willcountycoc/