Press Releases

Mobile Workforce Center’s May schedule announced

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     The Mobile Workforce Center’s May schedule has been announced by the Workforce Services Division of Will County.

     The mobile unit travels throughout Will County to help residents with resume development, cover letters and job applications. The workforce center contains 11 computer stations, internet access, and offers keyboarding lessons, as well as resume and job search assistance using online listings including jobs4people.org and Illinois workNet.

Workforce Services Division releases May workshop schedule

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     Workforce Services Division of Will County has scheduled its May workshops for job seekers.

     Participants will learn interviewing techniques at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 6, in Successful Interviewing. Learn how to prepare for a job interview, be confident and make a positive impression. Attendees may schedule an individual, digitally recorded mock interview after completing the workshop. 

Recyclepalooza attracts ‘unprecedented’ participation

Earth Day 2015

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An “unprecedented” number of people participated in Will County Recyclepalooza celebrating the 45th anniversary of Earth Day at Joliet Junior College on Saturday, April 11.  During the 2012 Recyclepalooza, the last one held there, nearly 500 cars dropped off electronics and household hazardous wastes; during the most recent event that many cars went through in the first two hours of the planned seven-hour event.

Will County to host three household hazardous waste collection events

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Just in time for spring cleaning, the Will County Land Use Department’s Resource Recovery and Energy Division will host a trio of one-day residential household hazardous waste collections.

The first, part of Recyclepalooza, will be held from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 11, at Joliet Junior College, 2015 Houbolt Road. 

Businesses encouraged to check Workforce Services Division’s Resume Gallery

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Businesses looking to hire should include the Workforce Services Division’s Resume Gallery in their search.  

The Gallery was designed in response to discussions with businesses and workers looking for a way to keep resumes of job seekers from becoming buried on large sites, said Scott Kettman, Business Services/Special Projects Supervisor for WSD.

Workforce Services Division releases April workshop schedule

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JOLIET – Workforce Services Division of Will County has scheduled its April workshops for job seekers. 

A session on job search skills, Master Your Job Search, will be offered at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 1.
Standout Resumes will be offered at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 8. Attendees will learn the basics of creating a competitive resume and may then schedule one-on-one resume reviews with WSD staff.

Plainfield church first non-profit awarded refurbished iPad2 by Will County

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The Plainfield United Methodist Church Green Team is the first non-profit organization to receive a refurbished iPad 2 in Will County’s inaugural America Recycles Day Non-Profit Contest.

The church’s Green Team was established in 2012 and is responsible for a host of activities for the congregation, such as collecting plastic bags for reuse, recycling cell phones and hosting The Really, Really Free Market each August. According to the church’s application, hundreds of people line the street to peruse the thousands of items donated by the community for the community. 
