Will County SUI News Feed

Will County, Lewis University Hosting Pumpkin Toss Event
Matthew Libs

Will County, Lewis University Hosting Pumpkin Toss Event

Will County and Lewis University will hold their annual pumpkin catapult event from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Nov. 4, at 1 University Parkway in Romeoville.

The event is a partnership between the Resource Recovery and Energy Division of the Will County Land Use Department and the Lewis University Physics Club, which designed the catapults. Attendees can bring pumpkins and gourds to be catapulted. Pumpkins must be free of decorations, paint and candles. The smashed pieces will be composted.

In addition to pumpkin/gourd disposal, the event will also provide electronics recycling and document shredding services. Each vehicle is limited to a maximum of two televisions and three bank boxes of documents.

Will County’s environmental educator will teach participants about composting. The family-friendly event is held annually to provide a fun way to properly dispose of unwanted materials and learn about the importance of composting.

The event will be held at the “W” parking lot at Lewis University.


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