Event date: 2/10/2014 8:00 PM Export event

VAC Executive Meeting - February 10, 2014


Monday February 10th, 2014

VAC Board Room, 128 N Scott St., Joliet, IL 60432


Chairman John Kestel called to order the meeting of the VAC Commission at 7:30PM on February 10th, 2014 in the VAC board room.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Led by Chairman Kestel.

 Chaplain Mlynek led in the opening prayer.

ROLL CALL:  The following were present:

Present:  Chairman Kestel, Secretary Picciolo, Treasurer Arellano, Chaplain Mlynek,Member Baskerville, Past Chairman Horne, Superintendent McNichol, Office Manager Northrup, VSO Ray

Posts Represented:  A.L. 5 Harwood, A.L. 13 Plainfield, A.L 52, A.L. 367,  A.L. 392 Peotone, A.L. 935 Manhattan, A.L. 1080 Joliet, VFW 12059, VFW 2199 Stone City, VFW 5788 Lockport,

 Introduction of guest and/or first time attendees: VSO Charles Ray – Welcome to the VAC

 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING:   December 2013 and January 2014:  Motion to Approve made by Chairman Kestel; Seconded by Past Chairman Horne – Motion Carried.


 1.      Financial Report: Tony Arellano, Treasurer

  Patriots Fund: $6644.87                VAC:  $5689.57

 Motion to Approve made by Past Chairman Horne; Seconded by Secretary Piccolo – Motion Carried.

 2.      Superintendent Report –Superintendent McNichol

Admin Chief Northrup went over the Expense Budget – Explained categories and budget balance, went over past months expenditures, December hit 99% of budget January hit 120% partially due to keying in 3 pay periods in month; Discussed other reporting options to avoid these discrepancies. Discussion Followed Superintendent McNichol went over Reporting totals, reported veterans’ financial assistance clientele at 92 GA clients for December 89 for January; Discussion Followed

Motion to Approve made by Jim Singlar; Seconded by Treasurer Arellano – Motion Carried.


Open House Over View Procard for VAC arrived in office - any purchases over $500.00 require VAC Board approval.

·         IACVAC Banquet overview – VSO Ray went over the highlights



Public Assistance Appeals Case – Letter from Carl Buck regarding case.


Superintendent McNichol proposed a new meeting time for the VAC Commission Meetings - Meeting time to change to 6:00pm effective 10 March 2014.

Motion to Approve made by Jim Singlar; Seconded by Past Chairman Horne – Motion Carried.

 1st DRAWING 2014 300 CLUB:

  A) $100.00 # 001 John York       B) $50.00 # 50 Post 5788 Jack Piccolo

 2nd  DRAWING 2014 300 CLUB:

 A) $100.00 # Post 935       B) $50.00 # 74 James Baskerville


 VAC Commission March 10th 2014 at 6:00 PM -128 N. Scott St. Joliet, IL 60432


Motion to Adjourn made by Chairman Kestel; Seconded by Past Chairman Horne


Press Contacts

Mike Theodore
Communications Director
Ph: 815-740-4631

«November 2024»
Will County Hosting Three Fall Workshops Focused on Long-Term Transportation Planning

Will County Hosting Three Fall Workshops Focused on Long-Term Transportation Planning

Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant and the Will County Division of Transportation will be hosting three community workshops as part of the county’s “Our Way Forward” Long-Range Transportation Plan. The workshops will be hosted in Beecher, Manhattan, and Wilmington and will include family-friendly fun activities and an opportunity for residents to share their input on future transportation projects. 

Read more


100th birthday 20th anniversary 50th Anniversary of Earth Day Passport event 911 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone System Board acting Chief Judge David Carlson adult detention adult education affordable agricultural Alison.com All Nations Church of God in Christ Alzheimer's walk ambulance America Recycles Day American Legion Post 1080 American Recycles Day American Rescue Plan Animal Control appointments Arsenal Road assistance Autism awinongya baker balanced budget bars BBQ luncheon Becky Haldorson Beecher behavioral health bertino tarrant Bertino-Tarrant bio hazard black history month block grants boards boards and commissions bolingbrook Bolingbrook Park District bonds book event book recycling book recycling and reuse event book reuse and recycling Book Reuse and Recyling Event booster shot booster vaccine boxing Brayden Caraynoff-Haber Brock Stein Bruce Gould budget building codes building permits burke businesses call center career career coaching career fair career training CARES Act Caroline Portlock cash reserves catholic charities CBS 2 Chicago CDC CED cemetery association census centerpoint certification ceus chamber of commerce Charles Schad Charlotte Mather chicago Street child advocacy center children's chirstmas Christina Snitko Christmas Christmas decorations Christmas lights circuit clerk Citizen Utility Board Citizens Utility Board city city of joliet Clarius Park closings Clothes 4 Work CMAP ComEd commissions communities of interest Community Development of Block Grant community health community service council composting computers Congressman Foster construction bids contact tracing cooling centers cornerstone services coronavirus cost savings council county county board chairs county departments County Executive Denise Winfrey County Executive Larry Walsh county government County Office Building covid covid impacts covid-19 COVID-19 crisis COVID-19 vaccination COVID-19 vaccinations covid-19 vaccine C-Pace crete cultural Curt Paddock Danette Krieger Dave Nichols David Dubois daylight savings DBE dea Deborah Alexander Deirdre Manigo delta variant Denise Winfrey dental department of human services department of transportation Deterra Drug Disposal dia de los muertos Diane Brozman digital safety Director Curt Paddock disabled disabled workers disorder distressed document shredding Don Gould dr. ezike Dr. L.P. Schild Dr. Scott Soderquist drainage district drive-through job fair drug disposal drug take back early voting Earth Day Earth Flag Awards Easter Eastside Green House economic development Eden Community Garden electric school buses electronic recycling electronics recycling EMA agency emergency Emergency Management Agency emergency rental assistance employment ems week energy and conservation survey energy conservation energy efficiency environment Erin Kohl Ethics Adviser eviction diversion Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant extreme heat face masks fair housing fall festivites family february federal federal funding fees financial savings fire protection district first responder fiscal health fiscal responsibility fiscal year fixed bus route flouride flu food bank forklift drivers frankfort Frankfort Township Friends of Sunny Hill funding future gardening gatherings Gertrude Hoover glenwood avenue Gloria Dollinger Go Solar godley public water commission Golden Corral Buffet Good Friday governor pritzker Governors State University grants green energy Green Team groundbreaking growth halloween Harold Damron health Health Department healthcare hero helps heroin epidemic relief organization heroin legislation forum hero helps addiction trea high credit rating high risk Historic Preservation Commission holiday holiday bazaar holiday gift show and luncheon holiday safety tips holiday shopping holiday string lights holidays HOME home improvements hospital houbolt bridge Household Hazardous Waste How's Mom app HVAC ice and fire leadership academy IDPH IEPA ihda IL Rental Payment Assistance Illinois Department of Transportation Illinois Dept of Public Health Illinois Energy Conservation Illinois Extension Service Illinois Housing Development Authority Illinois Recycling Foundation indoor dining indoor recreation industrial infrastructure insulation intermodal interview interviiew investment James Ingram Janine Farrell Jason Holicky Jeff Hubrich Jennifer Bertino Tarrant Jesse Cruitt JJC City Center Campus Joan O'Keefe job creation job fair job fair in-a-bag job search job skills job training jobs Joe Malacina Joe Van Duyne John Greuling John Ocansey Johnson & Johnson Joliet Joliet Arsenal Development Advisory Board Joliet Chamber joliet chamber of commerce Joliet Fire joliet fire department joliet junior college Joliet Mayor Bob O'Dekirk Joliet Park District Joliet Slammers joliet west high school jones Joyce Parker Judge David Carlson Judy Ogalla Karen Sorbero Kathy Pecora Land Use Department Laraway Communications Center Larry Walsh Lauren Staley Ferry Lewis University library lighting fixtures lincoln's birthday linked in lab LInkedIn lion electric liquor license Local 150 local officials logistics luncheon Madison Curran Maggie McDowell maintenance manurfacturing Margaret McDowell Marta Keane Marth Sojka mask mass vaccination clinis material handlers McDonald's mechanic medicaid Melissa Hemzacek Memorial Day mental health Meta Mueller Michael Hennessey Michelle Stiff Midwest Classics on 66 Museum Midwest Renewable Energy Association Mike Bell mitigations Mobile Workforce Center moderna mokena Monee Park District Monee Township Moody Investor Service mortgage assistance Moving Will County multi chamber municipal museums Music and memory NACo narcan natalie manley National Community Development Week National Hookup of Black Women National Institute of Health National Recycling Coalition nctv 17 needles neuter/spay new year's day Nick Palmer non profit Northeastern Illinois Northwest Homerr Fire Protection omnibus bill 2022 operators opioid addiciton opioid use disorder opioids Organix pace suburban bus Pam Rodriguez pandemic paper shredding paratranist paratransit Pastor Dwayne Barfield Penny Curran Peotone permits pet population pets pfizer pharmaceutical take back phase 4 Phillip P. Pilon Pilcher Park Pilcher Park Nature Center plainfield Plainfield Chamber Plainfield Park District Plainfield United Methodist portal Prairie State Legal Services President Biden presidents day project acclaim public building public defender public health public safety pumpkin composting Pumpkin Pitch pumpkins quarantine R3 rabies Rain barrels rain gardens rating ready will county recovery recovery coach recreation Recyclepalooza recycling Recycling Connections redistricting register registration renewable natural gas renewals rent assistance rental assistance rental grants reopen research and development residential residents resource fair. Resource Recovery and Energy Resource Recovery and Energy Division resource room resources restaurants restore illinois restore reinvest renew resume Resume Gallery Rethink Water campaign reuse ribbon rng plant roadways rock creek drainage district Rolonda Mitchell Romeoville Athletic and Event Center Romeoville Chamber of Commerce romeoville police department Roy Strong rural historic structures safety Samantha Bluemer sanitary district sanitary system Savers Savers. WJOL schedule school bus driver school garden Scott Kettman Scott Slocum security officers Seeds of Change Grant Program Senior Services Center seniors Sept 11 Sharefest sharps collection shelter Sherry Newquist shorewood sick sign language silver cross hospital silver gloves skilled care skills small business grants smoke detectors snowplow social events solar solar group buy Solarize Chicagoland south suburban housing center in homewood Southeast Joliet spanish community center spay spay neuter Spirit of Community Caring Award spring 2021 St. Vincent DePaul Standard and Poor's state of illinois state of the county stay home Stepping Stones string lights substance use Substance Use Initiatives Sue Olenek suicide Sunny Hill Nursing Home Sunny Hill Nursing Home of Will County Susan Flessner Susan Olenek swimming pools taxpayers technology Ted Slowik telecommunicators tenants testing textile and shoe collection textile collection textile recycling The Daily Southtown The Friends of Sunny Hill Inc. The Hero Group thermal Three Rivers Association of Realtors tier 1 Tim Anderson tire collection Todd Fonfara toys r us training transportation treatment trick or treating U.S. National Championship union labor united bridge partners University Park unpaid rent unused prescriptions update US Bureau of Labor USAgain vaccination vaccinations vaccine vaccine appointments vaccine clinic veterans veterans assistance commission Veterans Day veterinarian Village of Romeoville virtual vision and hearing screening vow renewal warming centers Warren-Sharpe Community Center Washington Township Wayne Breitbarth We WILL Build We Will Grow Garden Program weather related closings wescom West Nile Virus will Will County will county animal control Will County Board Will County Center for Community Concerns Will County Clerk will county dot will county ema Will County Executive Will County Executive Denise Winfrey Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant Will County Executive Larry Walsh Will County Executive Larry Walsh Midwest Renewabl Will County Farm Bureau will county green will county health Will County Health Department Will County Historic Preservation Commission Will County Land Use Department Will County Office Building Will County Office Buildng will county residents will county sheriff Will County TB clinic Will County Veterans Affairs Commission Will County Workforce Center Will County Workforce Services Division will works William E. Young School wilminton winter safety winter storm WJOL Workforce Center of Will County Workforce Investment Board workforce partners Workforce Services Division Workforce Services Division of Will County Workforce Services Division releases November work work-related training workshops wrapping paper xray Youth Provider Workshop